Trans Tech goes beyond having a premium line of ink cups to optimize your pad printing process. Our revolutionary method of using disposable ExpressLiners for containing ink for closed cup pad printing machines was designed to save users significant time and expense.
The revolutionary SpaceFrameTM with disposable (patented) ExpressLinersTM replaces conventional ink cups and reduces labor time and cleaning supplies costs, generating as much as 27% cost savings. A changeover with ExpressLinersTM may cost as little as $1.63 compared to just over $3 for a changeover with conventional ink cups. This would generate a savings of nearly $1068/year on each ink cup with one changeover per shift, running three shifts a day and five days a week.
Ink changes are also up to 86% faster than with competing systems. For electromechanical systems that run 24 hours a day, five days a week, producing 3600 parts per hour- this can save as much as 3.25 hours/week or 169 hours/year, making it possible to produce 5,850 more parts per week or over 300,000 more parts per year per machine.
The pad printing market has widely adopted seal ink cup technology. Our innovative adaption of this industry standard design has produced a revolutionary method for containing ink for closed cup pad printing machines.
Trans Tech’s SpaceFrame TM consists of a red anodized aluminum ring, used in conjunction with the patented ExpressLiner disposable reservoir, and easily replaceable carbide metal rings. (Express Liner Patent # 8393267 & 8671835)
The simplicity and convenience of this package is appreciated by pad printing operators and beneficial in short production runs and frequent artwork changes.